Skype is software for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.
The calls have excellent sound quality and are highly secure with end-to-end encryption. You don't even need to configure your firewall or router or any other networking gear.
Additionally it doesn't just work on Windows. Skype is also for Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs using Pocket PC, with a native look and feel for each platform. Talking, sending instant messages or even file transfers work between different platforms like a charm.
- Skype calling - Skype has all the features of an ordinary phone so it's even easier to manage your calls.
- Video calling - see who you are talking to at the same time as speaking to them.
- Add Skype and SkypeOut contacts - Add contacts who use Skype and those who use ordinary phones so you can call more people.
- Organising groups - group contacts under certain names and share them with your contacts so they can talk to them too.
- Basic chat and emoticons - when it's not convenient to call, chat or Instant Message (IM) your contacts.
- Group chat - for when it's easier to chat or Instant Message (IM) all your friends at once.
- Profile settings - change how you appear to the world and let people know a bit about you.
- Conference calling - talk to more than one friend at a time.
- Import contacts - search your address book to find friends and family that already have a Skype name and start calling them for free.
- View Outlook contacts - view and call your Microsoft Outlook® contacts quickly and directly from your Skype contact list.
- Quickfilter and Speed-Dial - find Skype contacts, recent chats and SkypeOut contacts quickly and easily, then enter their Skype name to call them back quickly.
Keep friends at your fingertips with the new Yahoo! Messenger:
- Easier ways to stay up to date - See more updates from your friends in the detailed Messenger list
- Show off your status - Easily add links and emoticons to your status messages
- Watch videos together - Share videos from popular sites and watch them with friends right in your IM window
Other features include:
- Instant message with one friend, or conference in a bunch
- Send text messages (SMS) to friends' mobile phones
- Join a chat room to meet new friends while you discuss your favorite topics
- Make free PC-to-PC calls and PC-to-phone calls for as low as 1¢ a minute (plus free voicemail!)
- Use the built-in media player to watch web videos and view photos with friends
- Show your style with emoticons, Avatars, audibles and IMVironments
- Share securely with automatic file scanning for users of Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security 2007/2008
- Favorites and groups - Put the people you chat with most at the top of your contacts, so you easily see when they're online. Want to chat with several people in one window? Just set up a group.
- Share photos - Look at photos together, right in the conversation window. And Messenger tells you when people you know post new photos on Windows Live.
- Customize - Show off your personal style with custom scenes, animated display pictures, and signature sounds.
- Mobile and web - Using a public computer without Messenger? No problem! You can chat on the web from Windows Live Hotmail. Or, use Messenger on your mobile phone.
The Google Talk downloadable application for Windows offers many features for communicating with your friends and family.
Instant messaging - Chat with all of your Google Talk and Gmail contacts in real time.
Free PC-to-PC voice chat - You can talk to anyone else for free who's online and has the Google Talk client.
Send and receive voicemails - If the person you're calling isn't available, you can leave a voicemail.
Unlimited file transfers - Send files to your contacts. There are no file size or bandwidth restrictions.
Gmail notifications on your desktop - When you're signed into Google Talk, you'll be notified of new messages in your Gmail inbox.
Instant messaging - Chat with all of your Google Talk and Gmail contacts in real time.
Free PC-to-PC voice chat - You can talk to anyone else for free who's online and has the Google Talk client.
Send and receive voicemails - If the person you're calling isn't available, you can leave a voicemail.
Unlimited file transfers - Send files to your contacts. There are no file size or bandwidth restrictions.
Gmail notifications on your desktop - When you're signed into Google Talk, you'll be notified of new messages in your Gmail inbox.
The AIM® service is all about helping
you keep in touch with your buddies. Whether you're sending IMs, sharing
photos or doing a voice chat we want to make it better.
Features include:
Features include:
- Sleek new design: New buttons, new layout, new color, new brand! Tell us what you think of our shiny gold look and the new layout.
- Profiles, profiles, profiles: Connect with your buddies like never before. Customize your profile, get updates from other social networks, and more. Now, you'll never miss an update on AIM.
- Status messages in the IM.
- :) Emoticons: You asked, we answered.
- AIM Blast: IM your friends, coworkers, or customers all at once, and all from the convenience of your Buddy List.
- More goodies: Sign in as invisible, Ctrl + F to search your Buddy List, Search the web from the IM window.
With ooVoo, you can connect with
anyone, anytime, with video calls, video messages, phone calls, text and
more. Use ooVoo to get face time with people you can't meet in person
(and save travel time and money!). ooVoo makes life easier and more fun.
- 2-way video calls.
- Record and send 1 minute video messages.
- Create 1 video chat room to embed on a website.
- Friends without ooVoo can join a call with you from their browser.
- 6-way text chat.
- Send files up to 5MB at a time.
TeamTalk 4 is a conferencing system which
enables a group of people to collaborate and share information. Every
member of a group can communicate with other members in real time using
both audio and video. All that is needed is a microphone and a web
- Real time audio and video conversations
- Public and private instant text messaging
- File sharing among group members
- High quality audio codecs with both mono and stereo
- Push-to-talk and voice activation
XChat is a popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client. It has a choice of a tabbed document interface or tree interface, support for multiple servers and is highly configurable.
XChat is a full-featured IRC client and includes all basic functionalities that are found in most other IRC clients, including CTCP, DCC file transfers and chats.