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AVAST! Free Antivirus represents the best free antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is FREE OF CHARGE for non-commercial & home use. Its features include:

  • Anti-spyware built-in
  • Web Shield
  • Anti-rootkit built-in
  • Automatic updates
  • Strong self-protection
  • Virus Chest
  • Antivirus kernel
  • System integration
  • Simple User Interface                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield checks web pages for threats at the only time that matters - when you're about to click that link.
    AVG Anti-Virus Free has these following features:
    • Award-winning antivirus and antispyware
    • Real-time safe internet surfing and searching
    • Quality proven by 80 million of users
    • Easy to download, install and use
    • Protection against viruses and spyware
    • Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP

    AVIRA AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc. Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected.
  • Detects and removes more than 150,000 viruses
  • Always among the winners of comparison test featured in computer journals
  • The resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, e.g. downloading of data from the internet
  • Scanning and repair of macro viruses
  • Protection against previously unknown macro viruses
  • Protection against trojans, worms, backdoors, jokes and other harmful programs
  • AntiVir protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
  • AntiDialer protection against expensive dialers
  • AntiRootkit protection against hidden rootkits
  • AntiPhishing protection against phishin 

BitDefender Free Edition is your chance to use one of the world's most effective antivirus engines for free!

BitDefender Free Edition uses the same ICSA Labs certified scanning engines found in other BitDefender products, allowing you to enjoy basic virus protection for no cost at all.

BitDefender Free Edition is an on-demand virus scanner, which is best used in a system recovery or forensics role.

Features and benefits include:

  • Virus scanning and removal
  • On demand scanning - Powerful scan engines ensure detection and removal of all viruses in the wild every time you need it.
  • Scheduled scanning - The Scheduler lets you plan ahead, and schedule full system/drive scans in the off hours, when you won't be using your computer.
  • Immediate scanning - With just a right click you can check your files and folders.
  • Skinable interface - You can express yourself, designing new interfaces, or you can use those drawn by others.

Kaspersky anti-virus protects you from the Phishing and Malware sites that you wouldn't otherwise know were attempting to steal from you.

At the same time, the Kaspersky Security Network allows your computer to report when it discovers a threat that hasn't been seen before. All 250 million Kaspersky users benefit from our combined knowledge!

Kaspersky features include:

  • Protects from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware
  • Scans files, email, and internet traffic
  • Protects Instant Messengers
  • Protects From Unknown Threats
  • Analyzes and closes Internet Explorer vulnerabilities
  • Disables links to malware sites / phishing sites



McAfee VirusScan 10             

Proven security that protects against viruses and spyware

  • Protects irreplaceable files, such as family photos and personal financial documents
  • Identifies spyware and adware before they can run on your PC
  • Cleans viruses and virus-like threats automatically
  • Prevents the spread of viruses to other PCs
  • Updates automatically to protect against new threats                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Norton Antivirus stops viruses, worms, spyware, bots, and more - Keeps your system protected against all types of malicious threats. Norton Insight delivers innovative intelligence-driven technology for faster, fewer, shorter scans. Rapid pulse updates every 5 to 15 minutes provide you with up-to-the-minute protection. 

Key Technologies:

  • Antivirus software
  • Spyware remover
  • Bot protection
  • Browser protection
  • Internet worm protection
  • Intrusion prevention
  • OS and application protection
  • Rapid pulse updates
  • Recovery tool*
  • Rootkit detection                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
ESET NOD32 Antivirus is the most effective protection you can find to combat today's huge volumes of Internet and email threats. It provides comprehensive antivirus and antispyware protection without affecting your computer's performance.

Key Benefits:

  • Protection from the Unknown
  • Finds Malware Other AV Companies Missed
  • Built for Speed
  • Easy on Your System
  • Easy on You 

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